Thursday, August 4, 2011

Health Update

So I'm not sick anymore. Shortly after my last post I had an ultrasound of my liver, spleen, and all other organs in that area. Which, honestly, was really scary because Dr. A was looking for swollen lymph nodes and I knew enough to know that meant CANCER.  Thankfully, I got a call saying that everything looked normal. The next step was redoing some of the blood tests I had previously because it seemed like my body was healing itself. I had made a ticket to Cleveland months before I was sick, but Dr. A told me not to leave town until I knew what was wrong, but I went anyway. I had a great doctor in high school (Dr. H), and figured I'd go see her to find out what was wrong. She was amazing! I brought all the results of all the tests I had done in LA. She looked at them and laid everything out for me. She told me every possible meaning of the results of my tests, the further testing necessary if the results of the new tests came back the same as the old ones, and what the next course of action would be depending on those results. For the first time in weeks I felt like I might actually find out what was wrong with me. Every week my fever was getting lower, and by the time I got to Cleveland (4 weeks after the fever hit) it was gone. Dr. H ran the blood tests. They came back normal. So after weeks of feeling horrible, I was better, kind of.  I still felt a little weak and my appetite was still very slight.
The only thing, it seemed, to be wrong with me was my thyroid. I have hypothyroidism. Which explained a lot of other things going on unrelated to my other illness; weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin... My grandmother had hypothyroidism, so I wasn't surprised when Dr. H said I had it too. Interestingly enough, I knew my thyroid level was a little high from a test I had done in college, and from Dr. A. But both of those doctors said it wasn't high enough to worry about. It might all be in my head, but I think I see an improvement.

Hopefully, my next blog post will be about something much more fun.

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